DIY Giant Knitted Blanket

Wednesday 24 May 2017

grey knitted blanket

Pinterest has been full of giant knitted blankets lately and as soon as I found out most of them were handmade, I just had to make one myself! They're created by arm knitting, which is pretty much the same as regular knitting, just on a larger scale. I watched a few youtube tutorials to get an idea of how to make one, some people had even made their own giant knitting needles! 

ball of yarn

To create a giant throw, all you need is wool. I got mine from Woolly Mahoosive, 'extreme chunky acrylic' in the shade 'Dove Grey'. I got 4kg of it for £55.50 which made two throws, one big enough for the end of a double bed and the other for a single. It was really easy to knit and was completed in under an hour. 

knitted grey blanket 

I love how it turned out! It looks amazing on my light grey/white sheets. There are so many things you could do with this wool, Woolly Mahoosive also have knit kits to make things like a lamp shade. There are also a lot of beautiful colours available, including an amazing pink colour which I'd love to get to make something else! The blanket overall is actually really soft, I was worried it would be quite itchy but it's not at all. This would be perfect for sitting out on in the sun and keeping warm on cooler summer nights.  

grey blanket next to ball of yarn



  1. I had no idea that they were so easy to make! Now that I know I am definitely going to make myself one as well. They look so cozy and cute! Thank you for the inspiration!


    1. They look really complicated but it doesn't take long to get the hang of! You're welcome, hope you have making it!

      Leah x


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