Posterista review

Saturday 7 February 2015

Posterista evidently prints a poster with your pictures on, you can upload them from facebook, instagram or just from your gallery. There are a lot of different sizes and you can even make one in the shape of a heart. I have a 40cm x 30cm poster and I used pictures from my prom. 

The frustrating thing is that you can't choose where you want to put the pictures, you can only shuffle them around. I had to keep shuffling to make sure none of the pictures I included twice were next to each other. I chose a few pictures more than once just because I didn't want all my prom photos on there; you have to have a minimum amount so I duplicated some. 

The pictures turned out great and I love the white spacing around them, but I would prefer the pictures to be bigger. It's an interesting way to incorporate memoires into wall art. The frame I used didn't come with it, however you can get a thin black frame from posterista. I got my frame from here.


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